New England Futbol Club
NEFC Fall Kickoff Manager Info
The NEFC Fall Kickoff is quickly turning into the best event to kick off your fall season! There’s no better place to play and be recognized in New England! Kickoff your fall season with great competition on the best fields in New England!
Gotsoccer Staff must check in the credentials of all teams prior to participating in the tournament. US Soccer and its affiliates USYSA and US Soccer sanction the Fall Kickoff. Teams must have the following items below: Deadline for document upload is 8/10
Each team will need to upload the following as well as have all items present at the field for the entirety of the tournament.
*Official Roster including all guest players
*Player Cards, only if pictures are not present on your team Roster
*NEFC Tournament Medical Waiver Signed and fully completed (Club Waivers not accepted)
*International Teams Only- International Travel Approval Permit from your club's governing body.
Please download the file showing the step by step instructions of how to upload the appropriate documents in gotsoccer. See the list of items below that must be uploaded.
DURING THE TOURNAMENT A TEAM REP MUST HAVE THESE ITEMS BY THE FIELD AT ALL TIMES. Teams failing to check in or having required items on hand may forfeit their matches.
Create PDF documents with the required check-in materials. (Follow Online Check-in Download for instructions)